Reshape the Earth at Your Feet

Reshape the Earth at Your Feet

This is a special collaboration between Ember Arts co-founder James A. Pearson and Caava Design. James wrote the following words for our friends at Invisible Children.

Have you ever walked up to the ocean, right where the waves are reaching up the sand, and just planted your feet? When a wave rushes back down the shore you can feel it trying to sweep you away. It tugs at your calves. It cuts grooves in the sand around your feet.

That wave is like history, and your life is a choice: either let yourself be swept away or take a stand. Being swept away is easy and fun, but eventually you will just disappear. Taking a stand is hard, but you will reshape the earth at your feet.

Click on the poster or HERE to see James’ post and download a high-res version for free.

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